I was able to take total control of the Trader's economy on every Age of Conan server that I played on. I even learned to sell my excess gold to Chinese Farmers. If you want to discover how I learned to get virtually unlimited Age of Conan gold, you are in the right place!
WARNING - If you are not serious about farming massive amounts of Age of Conan gold in less than 20 minutes per day, this method is not for you!
Just one month ago when I started my life in the Age of Conan world, I struggled. It was an uphill battle to level, to purchase items, and even more importantly to farm gold. I needed help, and if I wanted to succeed, I needed a way to get gold fast!
In order to succeed in the Age of Conan, you need to start with the basic foundation of the game. Like other MMO's that foundation is the ability to farm or acquire gold. This can be a slow process that often frustrates new players, holding them back from ever achieving much success. Without gold, a character cannot purchase advanced items and weaponry, which will cause them to have difficulty leveling and advancing in the game.
In order to quickly turn the table in your favor, you need to develop a system that allows you to farm more gold in less time than your opponents. In the months since the release of Age of Conan, Chinese Gold Farmers have emerged. These people spend their entire in game life farming gold in order to resell it to other players for real cash. In the process, these farmers have developed advanced strategies that allows them to produce, on average, 20 or more times the amount of gold the average player can. This can give any player a huge advantage. These strategies are little known and closely guarded in the Chinese Gold Farming community.
By learning and following these strategies that have recently been leaked in the Age of Conan Gold Guide you will make hundreds of gold pieces daily, and that is a guarantee! No matter your experience level, these totally legal tips and trick will work for you.
If you want to take your Age of Conan game to the next level or learn how to sell gold in game, be sure to read all the gold secrets in the Age of Conan Gold Blog!
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