If you came here looking for the best wow guide, you have arrived at the best possible place. There are tons of wow guides online, and they are all pretty informative. They all offer valuable information, that can help one, through the trials and tribulations of wow. Although, there are only two(alliance/horde) that are considered by most, the best wow guide. I have been through forums, blogs, sales pages, and wow servers, and the best wow guide made itself clear through word of mouth, reputation, and actual results/effectiveness.
A lot of hype circles around these guides, and sometimes hype is totally untruthful, and unjustified. Although in this case these alliance/horde guides live up to the hype and more. As a backbone for many successful leveling campaigns to thousands of wow players, Brian Kopps leveling guide is the in fact the real deal best. Joanas horde guide rep. proceeds itself as well, jumping to #1 horde guide online and remaining there till even now. After review and testimonials these guides still surge above others.
I recently talked with Brian Kopp himself, and he is a down to earth good guy, who just loves to enjoy the wow game. A true player through in through, developing incredible techniques to level his characters at a unbelievable rate. A true tribute to the online gamer world. He also mentioned how playing should be enjoyable, not grooling work. In taking that in mind, its what he developed his whole leveling guide around, "the idea of questing, not grinding". His core principle is to level up through questing, which makes the game fun, as opposed to months of tiring, relentless, grinding that will zap all the enjoyment from your wow experience.
Almost every game i have played has a guide, whether online or off. A couple games I can think of are Dragonquest 8, and Final Fantasy X, for which I have purchased. My point is, games have guides, guides make the game easier, more enjoyable, and at the same time do not take anything away. Make your wow experience the best it can be.
I hoped I helped you realize some benefits of becoming a best wow guide owner.
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