It's time to finish the series on the "Stress Less for Poker Success" formula. We're down to the final two ingredients. A stress-free life is just moments away. (How's that for marketing)
The 2nd to last ingredient in the formula is.......
Ashwagandha, pretty cool name if you ask me
a.k.a. Withania somnifera
My best friends LOVES ranch dressing. In fact, he puts it on everything he eats. It's quite disgusting if you ask me, but he swears it makes everything taste better.
That's kind of what Ashwagandha does. (I guarantee no one has ever made that comparison before.) It tends to make everything work just a little better.
Take a look at what people have used it for:
Chronic liver disease
Cognitive dysfunction
Immune system dysfunction
That's quite the range of medical conditions. I guess though, if it's been used for 3000 years, you're going to find a whole host of uses for it. You must admit, that list is impressive.
Once again, it's another herbal from the Ayurvedic medicinal system. Like I alluded to above, it's been used for over 3000 years for entire list of ailments. Even though it lacks sufficient human clinical trials, it has 3000 years of real-world feedback!
How it works.
Tough one. There's really no easy answer for this. Because it's been used to treat so many different medical conditions, scientists have yet to agree on one single mechanism of action. Each time they study it for a different condition, they find a new way it works.
For stress, they consider it an adaptogen. It mimics certain hormones in the body. When those hormones are present in high concentrations, Ashwagandha will block their receptors thereby preventing them from working. When those very same hormones are present in low concentrations, it will bind to their receptors and mimic their actions. Impressive! Some animal studies have actually shown that it lowers the cortisol in the body during times of stress.
As far as cognitive function goes, it has some pretty amazing animal studies supporting it. One study showed that Ashwagandha can actually rebuild neural networks by regenerating axons and dendrites of nerve cells. Another study showed that it has anticholinesterase properties, similar to that of the Alzheimer's drug Aricept. Yet another study showed that it has anti-depressive effects similar to the prescription antidepressant imipramine, and has anti-anxiety effects similar to the anxiety medication Ativan. Remember though, these studies were all done on animals. However, they've led to further investigation into Ashwagandha possibly be used to treat Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease.
The majority of the latest research though is focused on its anti-tumor effects. In animal studies and cell cultures, it's shown a potent anti-tumor effect similar to that of some chemo drugs. In fact, this has led some oncologists to recommend Ashwagandha as adjunct therapy for cancer treatment.
How Much
The suggested dosage is between 300-500mg standardized to 1.5% withanolides once daily. Like always, it's best to find the right dosage for you. It has an excellent safety profile, even in large doses. The most common side effect is GI upset.
Pregnancy warning: Don't use if you are pregnant.
Like all herbals, it contains many different active ingredients. The two most important seem to be withaferin A and withanolide D. It's easiest just to look for the percentage of withanolides.
Why I Like it
Even though I hate ranch dressing, I like Ashwagandha. It is missing adequate human trials. I wish it had some more hard evidence supporting its use. However, 3000 years of real-world feedback is hard to argue with.
The animal studies are impressive, very impressive. If it just lives up to half the results the animal studies of shown, it will definitely be one of the top nutraceuticals. Seriously, the ability to regenerate neural networks along with having anticholinesterase activity. That's an Alzheimer's dream drug!
It's been used for so many different medical conditions, and has been shown to have so many different beneficial effects in animals, it makes it hard for me not to use this drug.
Why for poker players
Simple. Your overall health. Poker players don't live the healthiest of lifestyles. Staying up until 4 A.M. playing online poker can do some damage by itself. It's definitely a step in the right direction.
The main advantage though is the potential Ashwagandha has. Just look at some of the purported benefits it has, especially to a poker player
Its anti-stress effects, especially lowering cortisol
Its ability to cause relaxation like Ativan without the coginitive dysfunction
Its ability to reconstruct synaptic pathways that have been damaged by stress, lack of sleep, alcohol, etc
Its ability to block the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, leading to more acetylcholine for the brain
Its ability to act as a powerful antioxidant, protecting the brain from harmful free radicals
How impressive is that? If it can replicate those benefits in humans, watch out!
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